Community Flood Defence / Awareness Workshop

at Whaley Bridge Bowling Club (located to the rear of  Whaley Bridge Primary School).

Provisional Agenda:

a. Short introduction

b. Working in small groups we will seek to identify the following:

  1. How can we identify when the risk is greatest?
  2. How can we get early warning of a Flash Flood?
  3. Where would we want to locate any river gauges?
  4. How can we seek to assist the vulnerable members of our communities?
  5. Where are safe places to evacuate to in the case of a Flash Flood risk (according to locality in which you live)?
  6. What can we do to protect our homes?
  7. What community resources would assist in our plan?
  8. Where would we store these?

c. Dates for follow-up meetings

One Reply to “Community Flood Defence / Awareness Workshop”

  1. Chris Judge

    Due to the hilly nature to the topography in the Whaley Bridge area, it seems as if very few properties fall inside the EA’s 100 flood zone. However there are some, mainly in the Warf Road area. This can be checked by going to the EA Website. Most areas subject to flooding are either industrial use or parks.

    The impact of flood can be minimised by having a flood emergency plan in place. The EA will give advance warning of impending flooding and by putting an emergency plan into practice, damage can be minimised. Help in developing a plan can be had from the EA itself or from your property insurance company.

    Being inside the thirty to one hundred year flood zone means that in any 10 year period, there will be between a 10% to 30% chance of having to impliment your flood emergency plan. So it is a very real risk.

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