Churches Together in Whaley Bridge Luncheon Club

Churches Together in Whaley Bridge holds a luncheon club at 12 noon on the last Thursday of each month at the Uniting Church on Buxton Road in Whaley. The aim of the club is to provide a warm nutritious two course meal and a friendly meeting place for older people who live on their own or who need a break now and then – all for just £3.50. The Club was formed in June 2008 and has proved a great success, welcoming 30+ people from all walks of life each month. The Town Council very kindly donated £100 to the club which has been put to good use providing a much needed steamer in which to prepare nutritious veggies – though these are generally followed by somewhat less virtuous but delicious puds!

If you or anyone you know would like to come to the club, or indeed if you would like to become a volunteer cook or helper, please ring the Uniting Church on 01663 734479 who will put you in touch with a club member. The Club has a limited capacity to arrange transport for those who could otherwise be unable to attend.


Crowds welcome Christmas to Whaley Bridge

A dry night brought the crowds out in Whaley Bridge to greet the arrival of Santa Claus and see the 2009 Christmas lights switched on Santa Claus arrived by the narrowboat Barleycorn at the canal basin to be greeted by dozens of children. He then travelled in the Rose Queen’s
‘coach’ to Footsteps on Market Street. There a grotto had transformed the basement into a 19th century street.

While hundreds of children waited to see Santa and claim their gift, the public joined in carol singing, led by Whaley Bridge band and a group of
singers from Churches Together, round the tree near the Jodrell Arms. The lights were switched on by town council chairman Barrie Taylor

The fun was still not over Whaley Bridge’s impressive Powderkegs strutted their stuff in front of the Railway pub on Market Street., and inside the
nearby Mechanics’ Institute the Christmas market brought brisk trade,

See the picture of Santa with his little helpers, taken by Gavin Rathbone. It appears here courtesy of The Review. More pictures can be seen on Copies can be seen in Footsteps

Whaley Bridge ready to welcome the Rev Cheri from New Zealand

The Bishop of Chester, the Rt Rev Dr Peter Forster, proposes to license the Rev Cheri Pinner as priest in charge on a part time basis to the parish of Whaley Bridge in the new year. The parish includes Trinity Church in the town and St James’ at Taxal.

At present, Cheri and John, her husband, live in New Zealand. They are both ordained and technically John will be an assistant curate. They envisage working closely together.

A statement from Whaley Bridge parish said: “The appointment does have financial implications for the parish, as Bishop Peter has made it quite
clear that we have to meet our parish share quota of £20,000 a year.

“We have no further details at present, except that the parish church council has unanimously accepted the proposal and announced the news at all
services on Advent Sunday – what a wonderful start to the new Christian year!”