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Funding for Whaley4Wards projects can come from a variety of sources.

After an initial startup injection of £1000 from WBTC, the principle source of current funding is via the Regeneration Grant Budget – From 2011 HPBC have provided an annual regeneration grant of £4K. From 2012, WBTC match funded this amount , providing a total annual regeneration budget of £8K. The HPBC  element of the grant is reclaimed based on expenditure.

Other Potential Funding sources:

  • Lottery and Other Grants
  • Councillors Initiative Fund – High Peak Borough Councillors are able to distribute up to £1000 each year to small community projects.
  • Sponsorship – There are a number of opportunities to access funding via sponsorship or other inventive revenue generation schemes which will be considered. If you wish to participate, or propose a scheme, please contact us via the contact form on the Whaley4Wards page.
  • Tesco 106 money – In 2012, in order to mitigate the retail impact of the proposed Tesco’s extended store within Whaley Bridge, Tesco  agreed to make available a sum of £115,000  as part of a ‘106’ agreement, which is targeted towards four local projects, which currently have general outlines only. Within these  outlines, Whaley4Wards can have a major role in hardening up and defining these projects and how they should be implemented. The four project definitions are shown here. This money will only become available once development commences and will be available for a period of 5 years. It now appears unlikely that the extended store will go ahead, and consequently this funding may never become active.
  • Donations –  As project ideas become better formed, Whaley4Wards will be very grateful for any donations towards any local projects. Donations needn’t mean just money. Time and resources would be gratefully received also. This means we can get projects implemented much quicker and you can make a direct and lasting impact on your town.  Ongoing and planned projects will be indicated on our Project page along with anticipated costings.